As you know we receive funding from Scottish Government for each child who has signed up for Free Meal Entitlement. This is how we are spending our money this session.PEF plan 2019-2020
Stobhill Primary School Standards and Quality Report 2018-2019
Please read to find out about our achievements in session 2018-2019 and to find out what we have to continue working on to improve our school. Our new SIP for 2019-2020 targets were based on the information from SQR 2018-2019…
Stobhill Primary School Improvement Plan 2019-2020
Please read to find out more about the targets and priorities we are working towards this session.SIP 2019-2020 SIP overview 2019-2020
Anti-bullying policy
Anti BullyingPolicy Stobhil PS draft 1 – Copy-2b9i3qq This is our present anti-bullying policy – we will be asking for your views about it when we put out our parent questionairre
Standards and Quality report 2017-2018 and School Improvement Plan for 2018-2019
Please find attached the Standards and Quality Report for Stobhill Primary School for the session 2017-2018 and the School Improvement Plan for the session 2018-2019. Please contact Mrs Sikes, Headteacher, if you need any clarification or explanation. Stobhill SQRSIP June…
Stobhill Primary Achieve Green Flag Status
Stobhill primary school are delighted to announce that they have achieved ‘Green Flag’ status after working towards it for the last two years. The Eco Committee and the gardening club have been working so hard on the following topics in…